Wednesday, 1 April 2009

For Reasons Unknown

Song: Kasabian - Vlad The Impaler
Game: The Sims 3
DVD: The Simpsons

Well, its been one of those weeks (Yes, I know its only Wednesday) Don't worry, I'm not going to have a long moan about things, but I'm really struggling to find any energy to care about anything anymore. Today, it was just easier for me to stay quiet and keep my head down. Don't really know why I was feeling like this to be honest, think its just loads of little things building up thats getting to me. Think the lack of sleep probably contributed to me being how I was today as well, (stupid fire alarm at 2 in the morning). Well, I understand that we can't always get our own way, but like I use to say 'Life may not be what we had hoped for, but whilst we are here, lets Dance!' (I do miss a good Dance) But hey, what can we do about it, in the end, it was nice just getting a hug at the end of the day, it doesn't make everything right, but it does make you feel a bit better.

Tomorrow is another day though, hopefully I will have a better sleep and go into work refreshed and ready to go!


  1. I know what you mean about needing just a bit of energy to get through the day dude, been there myself a lot lately. You just need to think of something you're looking forward to, and focus on that. It really works.

  2. Yeah, Suppose. Today has been better, a lot happier than yesterday. Think its just time of the month, haha. But Yeah, if you have an aim, you have to go for it, see what happens...
